December 28, 2020

What does Anachroism Mean? or I think I Made a New Word

I was making a comment online and I used the term "print" instead of "publish". anachronistic use of a verb that I caught upon editing. I wanted to use the term "anachroism" to give a name to my habit (malady) of doing so and learned that it's not a word, until now.

A linguistic condition characterized by archaic terminology references in speech.

November 22, 2020

What Makes a Good Rooftop Deck?


Hi Ken,

I have a question: would you happen to have a picture of what a good roof deck looks like? One that you can properly assess?

We really want a place with a rooftop deck, but we can't tell a make-shift bad one, from a make-shift good one.

Thanks, Joe


Hello Joe,

Thank you for your email.

What you're asking is way too subjective and open to a universe of interpretation. So the short answer is no. But I can provide you with some information regarding what to consider.

Roof Structure

First and foremost, the underlying roof structure must be capable of supporting the deck's weight. This should be determined by a qualified structural engineer. Where necessary, your design/build firm should be able to provide this determination/service, as well as ensuring the deck and its attendant components comply with local municipal building codes.

Traditional Wooden Lumber Decks

Traditional wood lumber decks, because of material cost, are the most common. These can be constructed with pergolas, terraces, etc. to enhance their function and aesthetic. Generally, traditional wood lumber decks are not modular in design.

A Basic Wooden Rooftop Deck
A Basic Wooden Rooftop Deck

Walking Surface

Ideally, the walking surface should be modular so that it can be removed to provide access to the underlying roof for assessment, maintenance, and repair.

As far as materials go, it can be anything. Modular deck systems are constructed of wood, concrete or other masonry, composite materials, etc. These are aesthetic choices that can be combined to create differing, delineated areas. Aside from being modular, the only other criteria should be weather resistance and maintenance requirements. Modular deck systems generally are designed to be and utilize materials that are weather resistant.

A Modular Tile Deck System

A Modular Wooden Deck System


Your deck design is limited only by your imagination, your wallet, municipal building code, and the structural capacity of the underlying roof structure. This is where a qualified design-build firm can help.

A Rooftop Deck Using Multiple Walking Surfaces

Chicago has a number of quality rooftop deck design/build firms. Their websites are a great starting point for design ideas. I would start here:

Chicago Roof Top Deck Designers

I hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Kind regards, Ken

Ken Whitelaw,
Chicago Building Inspections, Inc.
312-INSPECT (467.7328)
Mobile: 773.350.2325

November 19, 2020

...where I'm at, 11/20/2020

Greetings fellow Earthlings,

To state the obvious, what we've been dealt with vis-à-vis the current political environment goes way beyond any party line. What we've experienced is not unlike the beginnings of single-minded, abusive governing by a wannabe despot. 

There are people who will always agree with Trump, et al., and his incendiary rhetoric. ...wanting nothing more than the eradication of anything they perceive as un-American, including but not limited to everything Obama, non-white people, personal choice, truth, science, the Golden Rule, etc. 

These subhumans will not disappear but will once again go underground, waiting for the next Hitler-like wannabe to once again prey on human insecurity, fomenting hatred and violence against what most of us know in our hearts to be good, true, and right.

I recently read a thought by someone that maybe DJT will leave for Florida for the holidays and never come back to the WH.

That's what I want for Christmas.


July 21, 2020

Keep you Powder Dry

This slow burn towards fascism that's happening in our country has completely unnerved me. I awoke this morning with a feeling of dread, due to what is taking place in Portland and the implication that it has on my new home town of Chicago. Portland, Chicago... Where next will our Nazi-loving, subhuman president send troops to seek his crown? While I agree in principle of the use of federal force to quell criminal violence, it's use to stifle peaceful protests, a right we are given by the Constitution of the United States, scares the shit out of me. The only thing I can think of doing is to keep my powder dry, and I've never felt this way before. Mr. President, you have irrevocably ruined my country, our country. I am saddened, angry and don't know what to do.

May 13, 2020

Wrong Number in the Time of Covid-19

I'm driving home, on a phone call, on speakerphone. A number that I don't know, from Alabama, comes in so I let it slide. I get done with my drive and phone call, and push return on the Alabama number.  This nice lady answers, "Hello?"  "Hi, my name is Ken Whitelaw and I'm returning your call". She says "Well, I was trying to figure out who, what this number was." Says I, "How are things in Alabama?" " Pretty good, how are things wherever you are?" "Chicago-ish. We're ok." "Well good, you take care. Bye." "Bye." Lol