This has gotten so out of hand as to have become fodder for a Shakespearean tragedy. Sadly that comparison is what we now see so often every time some imbecile decides to end an argument with a bullet.
Dont misconstrue this rant. I am pro-firearm ownership.
What I'm not for is a gun in every hand.
What I'm not for is the illegal sale of firearms.
There are humans who should not have this privilege. Everyone knows this.
It should be exceptionally difficult to legally purchase a firearm. At the very least, it should be ridiculously more arduous than buying liquor or cigarettes or getting a drivers license. It should take at least as much time and effort to buy a firearm as it takes to obtain say, a pilot's license. The current system is reprehensible in its lack of responsibility.
I'm thinking Code of Hammurabi. If one kills another with a firearm without provocation. You die by firing squad.
Simple. Easy to understand.
It isn't the responsibility of firearms manufacturers to police who buys their products. That is stupid.
And, idiots spouting off about their 2nd amendment rights being stomped on probably have something to hide. CCL is so stupidly easy any moron can pass the test. (And, fuck you. If you disagree with any of this, you probably shouldn't be carrying.)